We’re having a baby! It’s insane. I still can’t believe it.
For those of you who don’t know, Alex and I have been trying for a little over 10 months to have a baby so this little soon-to-be bundle is pretty much amazing.
Okay, on to the week 4 update, which is pretty much the, “I-just-found-out-I’m-pregnant-week”. I still feel like I’m constantly asking and saying, “Am I pregnant? I don’t really feel pregnant.” At this point, I pretty much take a pregnancy test every morning just to make sure. I’ve already scheduled our 8 week but seriously, it can’t come soon enough. I am a complete wreck. Why aren’t I throwing up yet?! Seriously, you guys, I’ve never wanted to throw up so much in my life and I HATE throwing up.
It’s a whole new experience and am I ready for it? NOPE! I completely thought that knowing I was pregnant would take some anxiety away — boy, I was so wrong! Now I have a whole new set of emotions and questions… even though most of my friends will tell you I’m totally that annoying know-it-all who knows everything there is to know about babies. I had a subscription to babycenter.com 2 years ago. Yes, I’m that person.
What gives me peace in this whole thing though, is that I am completely aware God is in control and that this baby is a gift. I have had so many amazingly, wonderful people praying for us during this time of trying to conceive and I have appreciated them all. I have learned how to trust God even more during this time and I can’t express my overwhelming joy at this blessing. I just can’t wait hug it and kiss it and love on it for a long, long, long time. God is so good and we are so happy to begin this journey.
Keep on liftin’ it up peeps!
We love ya,
Leelo and Ander + 1
(I’m going to comment on all of this. ;)) OK, it’s sooo trippy to find out your preggo, but have no symptoms, not showing, not sick etc. Your mind screws with you. It’s insane. you know you’re preggo, but you so badly want the belly to come with it. just to assure yourself. Just rest easy and know that everything will be showing up sooner than later and there IS a baby in there.
We are sooo happy for you both! Congrats! again!
Thanks Char! I’m definitely “feeling” preggo now! Just waiting for this bump to actually be a bump and not just fat round the middle!