“Writhing Your Birth Pain”

I read this little bit of advice from Baby Center: “Writing Your Birth Plan” as “Writhing Your Birth Pain”. What is my subconscious up to these days?! Truth be told, I thought it was kind of hilarious at first. Especially since I’ve done pretty much everything to avoid even thinking about the actually labor process. I posted this picture on Facebook and it started an on set of birthing advice from hypnobirthing to c-sections. I absolutely appreciate and value every single opinion and love that so many women are passionate about the birthing process.

You want to know what my ideal birthing process would be, right this very minute?? A non-existent one. Yup, if I’m being completely honest — the idea of pushing a watermelon out of my body does not sound in the least bit appealing, joyful, enjoyable, or exciting. I’m just putting it out there. I am terrified and I think that’s why I’ve completely avoided the subject all together. P.S. Thanks a lot Eve. That girl is going to get so many slaps in the face in heaven.

Part of me truly feels the less options I have, the better. I just need to listen to my doctor/doula and everything will be fine. They are professionals, right? Then another part of me thinks, women have been doing this for years and multiple times so 1) how hard can it be? and 2) my body clearly will know what it’s doing, right? Finally, the type-A person in me wants to spend the next three months really searching all my options and decide on a birth plan that I think would be the best for me.

So, be honest with me people, how many of you totally freaked out with your first/second/third/millionth? What did you do to calm the anxiety and how did you get started on your process of looking into birth plans? Was your birth plan followed? Did it give you peace-of-mind or racing-of-the-heart?

Looking forward to all your answers,
Leelo and the giant squash baby slowly growing bigger and bigger inside of her.

4 thoughts on ““Writhing Your Birth Pain””

  1. I was with an Ob up till about 37 weeks. After not enjoying the connection i had with her, on top of her calling something that I wanted to do “barbaric” I decided to switch to a home birth. Couldn’t have been happier. Birthed in my own home and labored how I wanted. I’d say do your research and be ready for anything. Get centered and let your body do what it knows how to do!

  2. I encourage psychoprophylatic method! Calming and cognitively relaxing of every muscle in your body. Tension causes the body to fight against natures plan. Breathing techniques are VERY helpful along with relaxation/focusing techniques. Practicing and getting your body into auto-mode is necessary. Envision a quiet, relaxing place, visualize, breath at a comforting pattern, the sounds of nature…water especially has a tranquil effect. Quiet surroundings, focusing on releasing the muscles around the uterus, birth canal etc….I find in late stages, a slight hummmmm during exhaling helps. I was a lay midwife back in the day…it was exhilarating…. You are going to do SPECTACULAR, grasshopper!!! Much love and encourgagement coming your way <3<3

  3. First of all, I am so excited for you and Alex! As a labor and delivery nurse, I’ve worked with many women with birth plans, some very specific and others very flexible. My advice: be open to ALL possibilities. No one can anticipate how your labor will be because every woman is different. The more open you are with your birth plan, the more you will allow yourself to enjoy the process because you will just follow your body at every given moment. Biggest piece of advice: follow YOUR body! Listen to it, feel it, respond to it. I recommend a flexible birth plan, one that includes who you want to be by your side, the lighting, music, trying different positions during pushing, if you want the baby to be delivered directly to your chest, etc. All these things are very general, but can still be personal to you. I find that the more elaborate women are with their birth plans, the more disappointed they feel if something doesn’t go the way they “planned.” And then it just ruins the process for them. For example, some women come in saying they ABSOLUTELY don’t want an epidural, that they prefer to labor unmedicated in very specific positions. But if there comes a time when they are exhausted and are considering an epidural, they feel upset, frustrated, and disappointed with themselves because it wasn’t a part of the plan. They forget that this process isn’t about the plan; it’s about delivering a healthy baby, however it was done. And it’s OKAY! I am a huge advocate for prenatal yoga. Practicing mindfulness and being centered are key to understanding your pregnant self. It also helps with increasing circulation, relaxing your pelvis/muscles, and breathing. Focusing on the breath can do wonders! I wish you all the best!!

  4. I feared labor and delivery too, but I got to a point where I just told myself “I can do anything in a day” just to remind myself that no matter what pain or discomfort I experience, there is going to be an end to it, and I can count on the fact that time keeps moving and there will be relief. I told myself this while preparing for childbirth, and I also use it when I have to do other difficult or painful things, physical or emotional. Time will keep rolling and before you know it, you’ll have a sweet baby in your arms! Also, I love your nursery! So sweet

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